AI-Form: AI-Assisted Topology Optimization for Architectural Form-finding
AI-Form is a synthetic form-finding methodology for topology optimization generated using an artificial neural network system in the architectural design field. With the development of computers and technology in the 20th century, the topological optimization method has spread wordwide in various fields. This novel structural optimization approach has been applied in architectural form-finding. Especially Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization (BESO), which was proposed in the 1990s, is widely used by thousands of engineers and architects worldwide to design innovative, iconic buildings. The related software Ameba developed by our team has been tested in several well-known workshops and design studios. In this workshop, we introduce the deep learning-based method to integrate with topological optimization to leverage the power of artificial intelligence algorithms to improve the diversity and efficiency of the BESO topological optimization method. Deep learning-based generative models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) can accelerate the topology optimization process of architectural structures. The workshop will explore methods of predicting optimized structures under defined conditions through GAN. Participants will learn how to use GAN combined with BESO/Ameba to facilitate the conceptual and architectural/structural design simultaneously. Through the workshop, we will demonstrate the ability of the novel approach and its application in architectural form-finding.
Language of the workshop: English
Workshop Tutor(s): Ding Wen 'Nic' Bao; Xuyou Yang; Xin Yan
Workshop schedule [08/11/2021]: Morning and afternoon (9 am - 12pm and 2 pm - 5 pm
Workshop schedule [09/11/2021]: Morning and afternoon (9 am - 12pm and 2 pm - 5 pm

BIO.CODES são as estratégias computacionais capazes de traduzir a vida que nos cerca em forma. Primeiramente, uma introdução será feita ao contexto, metodologias e aplicações contemporâneas do Design Paramétrico. Então, através da gamificação de cards para serem escolhidos, o tema de cada grupo será definido baseado em uma pergunta a ser respondida com um tipo de artefato, uma fonte de inspiração biológica, um algoritmo e um método de fabricação digital. Os resultados finais irão reunir todos os BIO.CODES programados pelos grupos ao longo do workshop, como resposta aos seus inputs em um modelo pronto para ser prototipado em seu laboratório de fabricação digital local.
Language of the workshop: Português
Workshop Tutor(s): Paulo Carvalho e Lissa Saruhashi
Workshop schedule [08/11/2021]:Morning and afternoon (9 am - 12pm and 2 pm - 5 pm
Workshop schedule [09/11/2021]: Morning and afternoon (9 am - 12pm and 2 pm - 5 pm

Calzado Paramétrico
Aprende cómo adaptar tus diseños a diferentes tipos de usuarios para obtener la mayor confortabilidad posible. Cambia el aspecto automáticamente y explora miles de posibilidades a solo un click por medio de un algoritmo que te facilitará la práctica en el diseño de calzado.
Language of the workshop: Español
Workshop Tutor(s): Valeria Palacio Manco y José Ovidio Cardona Osorio
Workshop schedule [08/11/2021]: Morning and afternoon (9 am - 12pm and 2 pm - 5 pm
Workshop schedule [09/11/2021]: Morning and afternoon (9 am - 12pm and 2 pm - 5 pm

Data Analysis for Parametric Design
Although parametric analysis is an emergent data-driven approach to building performance analysis, few practitioners understand effective methods of evaluating parametric analysis data. In this workshop participants will learn how, within the context of multi-discipline parametric analysis (energy and daylight), to augment simulated data using machine learning methods, how to perform sensitivity analysis on simulated data, how to manage uncertainty using analysis of variance methods, and how to effectively visualize data using tools like a parallel coordinates plot. Participants will learn how to perform data analysis tasks using industry standard easily accessible tools.
Language of the workshop: English
Workshop Tutor(s): Dr Victor Okhoya, DDes; Roya Rezae, PhD; Fatima Shahsavari, PhD.
Workshop schedule [08/11/2021]:Morning (9 am - 12 pm)
Workshop schedule [09/11/2021]: Morning (9 am - 12 pm)

Deep architecture; using AI in architecture
This workshop is going to be seven sessions of 3 hours. It consists of three major parts: first, Fundamentals of deep learning, which is about the history of artificial intelligence and the relationship between AI, machine learning, and deep learning. It is also about the mathematics of neural networks. After that, we are going to learn about the basics of neural networks and machine learning. Second, we are going more in-depth in computer vision; we train a neural network from scratch. Then we learn about “transfer learning,” which means how to use a pre-trained neural network. Finally, and most importantly, the last part is about “Generative adversarial networks” (GAN). We will have some experiments with “ neural style transfer” as an example. After that, we will learn about GANs, specifically CycleGAN, and how to implement them. After this workshop, you know the basics of artificial intelligence, the relationship between machine learning and deep learning. You understand how neural networks work; you can make and implement deep learning models to classify images. You can also make Generative Adversarial Networks to synthesize new images and broaden your horizons.
Language of the workshop: English
Workshop Tutor(s): Mohammed Behjoo
Workshop schedule [08/11/2021]: Morning and afternoon (9 am - 12pm and 2 pm - 5 pm
Workshop schedule [09/11/2021]: Morning and afternoon (9 am - 12pm and 2 pm - 5 pm

DIGITAL BIOMIMICRY: An algorithmic design strategy based on biomimetic principles
Biomimicry is “the new science that studies nature’s models and then imitates or takes inspiration from these designs and processes to solve human problems”. Nowadays, biomimetic design has the potential to provide sustainable solutions to urgent design and architecture challenges amidst the unfolding climate crisis that humanity is facing. What is more, advancements in parametric, generative CAD software enable the extraction and modelization of the complex structures and systems that are found in nature. However, the process of identifying, translating, and abstracting such forms can be daunting. The goal of the current workshop is to provide a comprehensive biomimetic design strategy that will enable designers, architects, and engineers to integrate biomimicry into their workflow. A series of parametric digital modeling tools and software will be explored in Rhino and Grasshopper that are particularly useful in the creation of biomimetic forms. The expected outcome of the workshop is an interactive, parametric design algorithm that is inspired by a specific biological structure. In the end, the participants will be able to identify and translate biological concepts and systems, draw inspiration from them and extract sustainable design solutions that could potentially find application in design problems they are facing.
Language of the workshop: English
Workshop Tutor(s): Alexandros Efstathiadis, Ioanna Symeonidou
Workshop schedule [08/11/2021]: Morning and afternoon (9 am - 12pm and 2 pm - 5 pm
Workshop schedule [09/11/2021]: Morning and afternoon (9 am - 12pm and 2 pm - 5 pm

Diseño Anticipatorio para Arquitecturas Impresas en 3D
Abstract: Introducción del asistente al diseño de edificios para impresión 3D desde la teoría actualizada hasta el diseño interactivo de arquitecturas, donde operará a través de un flujo de trabajo desde el CAD-generativo hasta el archivo de impresión 3D, pasando por evaluaciones de desempeños a tiempo real, evaluaciones de cualidades arquitectónicas y prototipado por manufactura aditiva a escala. Objetivo General: Introducir al diseño de edificios para impresión 3D desde la proposición de proto-arquitecturas. Objetivos Específicos: • Introducción a las tendencias actuales para arquitecturas impresas en 3D. • Exploración de cualidades/posibilidades espaciales emergentes de acuerdo con la capacidad de complejización formal de la tecnología. • Interacción desde la problematización del proceso de construcción con impresión 3D, delineando estrategias y resolviendo problemas a tiempo real. • Fenomenología de la arquitectura paramétrica en escala 1:1. Alcances-Resultados: • Aprendizaje basado en plataformas pre-parametrizadas: El asistente propondrá edificaciones para impresión 3D. • Análisis de geometría, construcción e impresión: El asistente podrá evaluar el desempeño físico de sus propuestas. • Previsualización interactiva a través de visualización inmersiva, modelos 3D y visualizaciones arquitectónicas: El asistente podrá aproximarse a la relación humano-edificio. • Prototipado remoto: El asistente podrá aproximarse a los resultados finales como al proceso constructivo de la impresión 3D.
Language of the workshop: Español
Workshop Tutor(s): Pablo Banda-Pérez, Rodrigo García-Alvarado y Ginnia Moroni-Orellana: Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile Eduardo Valenzuela-Astudillo: Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Workshop schedule [08/11/2021]: Morning (9 am - 12 pm)
Workshop schedule [09/11/2021]: Morning (9 am - 12 pm)

Estructuras secuenciales
Este workshop se enfoca en explorar el diseño de estructuras experimentales de madera utilizando el potencial de la manufactura robótica en entornos de simulación digital. Se indagará en el diseño generativo de configuraciones materiales, las capacidades combinatorias desde elementos discretos y sus posibles agregaciones secuenciales para proyectar una estructura espacial mayor. Los ejercicios se desarrollarán dentro de instancias específicamente digitales, donde se introducirá a la programación de trayectorias para la simulación de movimientos de un brazo robótico dentro del entorno de Rhinoceros, Grasshopper y Kuka PRC. Los participantes podrán explorar el potencial emergente generado por el uso de tecnologías robóticas de fabricación en el contexto del diseño arquitectónico, sus características, posibilidades y limitaciones.
Language of the workshop: Español
Workshop Tutor(s): Katherine Cáceres, Francisco Calvo | Universidad Federico Santa María; (UTFSM), Chile Paula Ulloa, Alexis Salinas | Universidad del Bio Bio (UBB), Chile
Workshop schedule [08/11/2021]: Morning (9 am - 12 pm)
Workshop schedule [09/11/2021]: Morning (9 am - 12 pm)

Point cloud processing for survey and study of historic buildings
In recent years, improvements in access, cost and availability of hardware and software have accelerated the adoption of technologies such as LIDAR, drones and photogrammetry for as-is surveys of historic buildings. Despite this promising renewal of capture methods, little attention has been given to the corresponding update on workflows, and how to actually incorporate and process this massive new data. As a result, the potential of these technologies is wasted, generating inconsistencies in the products obtained (planimetries, three-dimensional models, etc.), and errors in the subsequent studies. The workshop is based on an extensive search for best practices, recommendations from the heritage sector, and international standards to adequately process the point clouds obtained, adhering to the protocols promoted (CIPA, Cultural Heritage Imaging, Historic England, etc.), and maintaining criteria on replicability, metadata management, information preservation, among others. Finally, and as a way to avoid the “black box syndrome”, common with proprietary software, extensive use will be made of open source software, stimulating a reflection on the management and selection of processing algorithms to regain control over the data and what these processing stages do to them.
Language of the workshop: English
Workshop Tutor(s): Antonio Suazo
Workshop schedule [08/11/2021]: No activities
Workshop schedule [09/11/2021]: Afternoon (2 pm - 5 pm)

Robotic Assembly in Architecture & Construction
This workshop aims to introduce the knowledge of exploring walls or pillars made of bricks assemblies with industrial robots. This course will introduce robotic concepts and demonstrate how to develop an automated robotic assembly process that can be applied in architecture, construction or any creative field using a 6-axis industrial robot. At the same time, it helps students rethink the design and fabrication methods in the digital mind by finishing the process from parametric design to robotic fabrication. The participants will be able to interact with the industrial robot online in real-time and assemble the parametric brick-based structure they designed. This course will teach you how to parametrically design your structure and how to transfer the commands to an industrial robot (Universal Robots UR10). This course will explain the design to fabrication process which has the potential to bridge the gap between parametric design and robotic production. The participants will master the skill of collaborative working, filtering of selective data and manipulation of data; and they will also learn the simulation-based feedback design and fabrication method, which will be the beginning and foundation for students who want to learn and explore more about robotic production and digital fabrication in the future.
Language of the workshop: English
Workshop Tutor(s): yang song
Workshop schedule [08/11/2021]: Morning and afternoon (9 am - 12pm and 2 pm - 5 pm
Workshop schedule [09/11/2021]: Morning (9 am - 12 pm)

Shape Machine
Design as a procedure involved in visual representations requires the expertise of designers who are able to process shapes in both 2-dimentional and 3-dimentioanl space. This procedure recently is simulated in various programming languages such as Grasshopper, Dynamo, Marionette, Python, JAVA and so forth, in order to obtain the merits of computation. However, this might cause much complexity and distortion while mapping the procedure from visual domain to numerical and text-based domain. Shape Machine is a novel visual computation system developed in the Shape Computation Lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology that can provide designers an end-to-end computation solution without mapping the visual procedure to text-based procedure. More specifically, designers can compute shapes directly with Shape Machine, so that the visual computation procedure can carry more possibilities and creativities without being limited by symbolic representations. This workshop is aiming for exploring the possibilities of this novel technology in design with the audience, who will be working with instructors with the Shape Machine in the workshop to test the ideas and extend the horizon of design.
Language of the workshop: English
Workshop Tutor(s): Tzu-Chieh Kurt Hong, James Park, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
Workshop schedule [08/11/2021]: No activities
Workshop schedule [09/11/2021]: Afternoon (2 pm - 5 pm)

Solar in+form: A Creative BIM Framework for Solar Design
Solar in+form: A Creative BIM Framework for Solar Design The workshop Solar in+form: A creative BIM Framework for Solar is an opportunity for cross-experimentation between BIM and free form design tools, using Grasshopper as a real-time connection for dynamic living space design, allowing us to integrate creativity and data in the same workflow. In that sense, we are working with a set of different tools coming from Nurbs and visual programming, plus the integration of energetic performance plugins and evolutive solvers that are linked in real-time with BIM as final output for the design process. This workshop is developed from the perspective of creative design, highly creative and speculative, in order to create increasingly complex and dynamic proposals that are lead by data performance but intuition at the same time, as a platform for experimentation of projects through the dynamic link between freeform, parametric and models of constructive information. In this way, a 12-hour training space is proposed to generate work strategies between Archicad, Rhino Grasshopper and Ladybug, creating a set of prototypical buildings at the end of this final stage.
Language of the workshop: English
Workshop Tutor(s): Alberto Fernandez - Provides NG - Nikoletta Karastathi - David Doria - Baha Odaibat
Workshop schedule [08/11/2021]:Morning and afternoon (9 am - 12pm and 2 pm - 5 pm
Workshop schedule [09/11/2021]: Morning and afternoon (9 am - 12pm and 2 pm - 5 pm

Urban Beauty: Quantifying and Predicting Crowd-sourced Subjective Evaluation using Machine Vision
Beauty of cityscapes has long been studied anecdotally through accounts of novels and historical notes; and manually through analysis or scale, order, rigidity, etc. The use of machine vision allows designers to interrogate how urban fabric explicitly affects the perception of beauty, and consequently design interventions that may increase perceived beauty. This 2-day workshop is designed to be an introduction to the use of machine vision and machine learning in addressing the age-old question of “How to quantify subjective spatial experience?” Participants will be introduced to machine vision and supervised learning. As part of the exercise, machine vision algorithms such as semantic segmentation and object detection will be used to extract and quantify urban features (e.g., road, people, trees, vehicles, sky, building, signage, etc.) of photographs of urban scenes collected by the participants. Subsequently, participants will be asked to rate the photographs. The corresponding quantification of the urban features and beauty scores of the photographs will be analysed to extract spatial beauty principles. Finally, using the same dataset, a neural network will be trained to predict the perceived beauty of new urban scenes. Google Colab shall be used for semantic segmentation and training neural network.
Language of the workshop: English
Workshop Tutor(s): Joy Mondal
Workshop schedule [08/11/2021]:Morning (9 am - 12 pm)
Workshop schedule [09/11/2021]: Afternoon (2 pm - 5 pm)