SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations
November 7th-11th, 2022
XXVI International Conference of the
Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics

Call for Abstracts (CfA) 500 words and References (EN, PT, ES)
Submission deadline:
Monday April 11, 2022 (Anywhere on Earth, AoE)

| OPENCONF platform.

Critical Appropriations, the theme of SIGraDI 2022, is a call to reflection on the origin and process of actions of a transformative design and its possibilities, from the role of technology and its effect on the social, cultural, material and educational context.
Through our appropriations and dialogue with others, new reinterpretations create a digital culture that drives local agendas towards other geographies.
We will critically reflect on the tracks that SIGraDi has promoted each year and integrate others that need debate such as Inclusive Technology, Lifelong Learning, Do-It-Yourself Culture, Women in Technology and appropriations that are even promoted as Fictions and Utopias.
SIGraDi 2022 is a Call for interaction between the intensity of everyday life and society, with the enjoyment and appropriation of technologies in their different forms.

ABOUt HOST Institution

In 2005, the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) School of Architecture hosted the IX SIGraDi Conference. In 2022, UPC will lead the organization of a new SIGraDi conference with the valuable support of UPC digital infrastructure and academic experience.
Since its creation in 1994, UPC has focused on providing high quality education oriented towards educating upstanding and innovative leaders with a global vision, so they can transform Peru.
In 2016, UPC became the first and only Peruvian university institutionally accredited at the highest level by WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), an accreditation agency officially recognized by the Department of Education of the United States.