The university tradition in Argentina traces its origins to the foundation of the National University of Córdoba (UNC) in 1613 in the city of Córdoba, which today has a population of approximately 3.8 million. As the oldest institution in the country and one of the first in the Americas, UNC boasts a rich history that establishes it as a significant center of cultural, scientific, political, and social influence.
In 1931, the School of Architecture was created as part of the Faculty of Exact, Physical, and Natural Sciences. Later, in 1954, this academic unit became the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism, and Design (FAUD). Since its inception, FAUD has aligned itself with UNC’s mission, emphasizing values centered on holistic education, the dissemination and application of knowledge, and addressing social issues. Its primary goal is to prepare professionals capable of identifying diverse scenarios and designing strategies that foster multidimensional and inclusive participation.
Currently, FAUD operates from two main campuses: the Ciudad Universitaria campus, located in the southern part of the city, where undergraduate programs are offered, and the Centro campus, in the central area, which hosts postgraduate programs. At the undergraduate level, FAUD offers three programs: Architecture, Industrial Design, and Landscape Design, alongside three technical programs (Industrial Design Expression Systems, Architectural Expression Systems, and Architectural and Environmental Acoustics) and a Bachelor’s in Urbanism, which is under implementation. At the postgraduate level, FAUD provides two doctoral programs, six master’s programs, and eight specializations.
The student population at UNC exceeds 166,840 students, with over 12,427 enrolled in FAUD, solidifying its role as a cornerstone in the training of highly skilled professionals in the region.
The main theme of SiGraDi 2025 is “Meta-Responsive Approaches in Architecture, Art, Design, and Sciences”, encompassing perspectives on research and development, teaching, and professional practice.
Responsive design refers to approaches or methodologies aimed at creating adaptive and flexible solutions capable of effectively adjusting and responding to a variety of changing demands and needs. These solutions must include the capacity for adaptation and adjustment, considering the possibility of addressing diverse situations, whether in terms of physical design (environment), functionality, or user experience.
Welcome to our SiGraDi 2025 event!
SiGraDi 2025 aims to explore how this capacity for responsiveness and adaptation can surpass the traditional concept of flexibility associated with indeterminacy, advancing towards greater innovation, the use of emerging technologies, and a design approach focused on different uses and users in a more holistic manner.
We propose the concept of a meta-responsive approach, an approach that evolves in harmony with the trend of human-machine fusion, the field of experimentation in multiple perception (hearing, vision, touch, smell, taste), human-computer interaction, and interaction with new materials. Accompanied by innovative technologies and methods, Meta- Responsive Approaches bring us closer to a possible, inclusive, and sustainable information future.
At SiGraDi 2025, we will explore how these meta-responsive approaches can transform the way we design, build, and experience the environment.
The research and works presented at the conference are expected to address topics such as:
● The adaptability of architectural spaces.
● The personalization of the user experience.
● The use of smart materials.
● The integration of emerging technologies in design and construction.
We will create a space for participants to reflect on how these approaches can influence the teaching of design and architecture, fostering a more inclusive and future-oriented education. Additionally, we aim to promote interdisciplinary collaboration among designers, architects, artists, and scientists to address current and future challenges in the fields of design and architecture.
In summary, SiGraDi 2025 presents itself as an opportunity to explore new ways of thinking
and acting in architecture, art, design, and sciences. Meta-Responsive Approaches will enable us to create innovative, inclusive, and sustainable solutions for an increasingly complex and ever- volving future.

T1. Digital architecture and design: theory and history
Design theories, methodologies and conceptual models. Digital architecture and design history. Digital strategies. Design cognition, and project communication. Hacker/maker culture, DIY, and FabLabs. Decentralized design. Decolonizing Design. Collaborative and collective design.

T2. Responsive architecture, design and visualization
Meta-Responsive Approach, Fusion of Object, Human and Machine. Experimentation with Multiple Sensory Perceptions. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Interaction with New Materials.

T3. Parametric and generative design
Formal patterns. Shape grammars. Fractal geometries. Generative Design. Parametric Analysis. Machine Learning. Predictive Modeling. Building Information Modeling (BIM).

T4. Digital industrial design, robotics and automation
Digital fabrication and Industry 4.0. Robotics. Digital craft. Integrated manufacturing systems. Emerging digital fabrication systems. Design for Manufacturing and Assembly.

T5. Intelligent and responsive cities and landscapes.
Intelligent and responsive cities. Digital Heritage. Cultural Landscapes and new technologies. Design, Nature and responsive Ecosystems.

T6. Digital sciences, practices, and theory. BioDesign - Nature-Based Design (NBD).
Inclusive design. Codesign. UX.AR. Interdisciplinary design. Open source. Open design Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), thermal analysis, solar simulations, kinematics simulations, etc. Analytics. Bio Inspired and Biodesign explores, bio-informed design strategies.

T7. Artistic practices and creative industries.
Convergences through new technologies, architecture, design and cinema. Artistic installations and performances. Mapping. Audiovisual approaches. Artificial intelligence and media art. Video game design.

T8. Applied geomatics and new technologies.
Digital Cartography and GIS (Geographic Information Systems). Remote Sensing and Satellite Image Analysis. Topography and GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems). 3D Modeling of the Territory. Big Data and Geointelligence.
City of Córdoba: Host of the Congress
Welcome to Córdoba, Argentina! This beautiful city perfectly blends history, culture, and nature. Founded on the banks of the Suquía River in 1573, Córdoba is the gateway to the scenic valleys of the province.
As Argentina’s second-largest urban center, Córdoba offers excellent access routes that allow visitors to explore breathtaking landscapes in every direction within minutes. However, even without leaving the city, Córdoba shines with its rich history and vibrant attractions. From historic buildings, museums, and culinary hubs to shopping centers, churches, parks, theaters, and large-scale entertainment venues, the city has something for everyone.
Córdoba is also a city of rebellion, with pivotal moments in Argentina’s history, such as the University Reform of 1918, which reshaped higher education across Latin America, and the “Cordobazo” protests of 1969, a landmark workers’ uprising.
Being “Cordobés” means embracing a rich and diverse heritage:
- The legacy of indigenous cultures.
- The influence of Spanish colonization.
- The profound imprint of Jesuit culture.
- The often-overlooked contributions of Afro-descendants, whose rhythms enriched local traditions like murgas and carnival dances.
- The more recent influx of Italian and Central European immigrants who arrived in the late 19th and 20th centuries.
The Jesuit Block and the Jesuit Estancias, recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2000, stand as a testament to Córdoba’s historical and cultural significance.
In the present day, Córdoba embraces multiculturalism and globalization. Its vibrant artistic identity is characterized by contradictions, nuances, and diversity.
Come and experience Córdoba—a beautiful, historic, multicultural, accessible, and welcoming city that invites you to discover its many charms.
Enjoy Córdoba Capital!

Brako Kolarevic
Branko Kolarevic, is a professor and former dean of the Hillier College of Architecture and Design at NJIT in Newark. He has taught architecture at several universities in North America and Asia. He has authored, edited or co-edited several books, including “Mass Customization and Design Democratization” (with Jose Duarte), “Building Dynamics: Exploring Architecture of Change” (with Vera Parlac), “Manufacturing Material Effects” (with Kevin Klinger), “Performative Architecture” (with Ali Malkawi) and “Architecture in the Digital Age.” He was president of several organizations like ACADIA. He is a recipient of the ACADIA Award for Innovative Research in 2007 and ACADIA Society Award of Excellence in 2015.

Vera Parlac
Vera Parlac is an associate professor of architecture at the Hillier College of Architecture and Design, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), where she founded the Building Dynamics Laboratory. Her research is focused on responsive material systems that adapt to external and internal influences and is informed by contemporary models in biology, material science research, and mechatronic systems. Her work is featured in the “Building Dynamics: Exploring Architecture of Change” book published by Routledge, with Kolarevic. Vera is a licensed architect and has worked in several architectural firms including Carlos Zapata Design Studio and Kieran Timberlake Associates.

Thomas Wortmann
Tenure-Track Professor Thomas Wortmann directs the Department of Computing in Architecture at the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD/CA), University of Stuttgart. He researches the use of computational methods such as optimization, multi-variate visualization and machine learning in architectural design processes and leads the development of Opossum, a machine-learning based optimization tool that has been downloaded close to 17.000 times. Thomas will share his recent research on artificial intelligence and reflect on the impact of AI on the architectural profession.

Bige Tuncer
Bige Tuncer is an associate professor of design computation and the associate head of the Architecture and Sustainable Design Pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design. She received her PhD from Delft University of Technology, her MSc from Carnegie Mellon University, and her BArch from Middle East Technical University. She has previously held positions as an assistant professor at TU Delft, a visiting professor at the Chair of Information Architecture at ETH Zurich, and a visiting scholar at MIT. Her main research interest focuses on evidence-informed design processes. She is currently a professor of Information Systems in the Built Environment at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands.

Alfredo Andia
Alfredo Andia is an Associate Professor at Florida International University in Miami,( FIU) USA. His research focuses on architectural design, digital technologies, and the impacts of advanced synthetic biology on architecture. He has served as co-chair of the ACSA International Conference and the Possible Futures Competition at the Biennale Miami+Beach. His work has been published in books and over 70 articles and has been featured by the BBC, Discovery Channel, NHK-Japan, and other international media.

Karen Aune
Karen Aune is a Researcher and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. She holds a PhD Cum Laude in Art from the doctoral program “Advanced Studies in Artistic Productions” at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Her research explores science fiction as a poetic lens to reflect on ecosystemic changes driven by Capitalocene dynamics and the alteration of human perception through digital technologies. Her work combines analog processes with image manipulation technologies and digital fabrication, questioning the mutation of the biological through the lens of virtuality.

Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa
Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa innovates in information-based representation and robotic construction, integrating big data, simulation, and artificial intelligence. In 2024, he completed an ultrathin shell structure with AI at Stapleton Waterfront Park in New York. He is the Director of the AI Lab and an Associate Professor with Tenure at SoAD, New York Institute of Technology. His projects have been exhibited at the Venice Biennale, MoMA, and NYC Media Lab, among others. He was co-chair of ACADIA 2010 and published Digital Signifiers in an Architecture of Information with Routledge in 2023, gaining global media recognition.



NOVEMBER 19, 20 AND 21
Stage 1: Call for abstracts SIGraDi 2025
We are pleased to announce the call for abstracts for the SIGraDi 2025 Conference. We invite you to submit abstracts of academic research and professional practice by April 7th. Abstracts must be original and unpublished, they cannot be sent simultaneously to another conference or journal, and they must be written following the guidelines of the APA 7th standard in one of the three official SIGraDi languages (Spanish, Portuguese, or English). The texts must contain 450 – 550 words in addition to references and be organized according to the following structure.
Title: The name of the work must be concise and consistent with the purpose of the study. *
Keywords: 5 keywords (mandatory) that identify the project. *
Introduction: General and specific problems, objectives, and relevance.
Methodology: Methods, stages, and techniques.
Results: Key findings or expected results.
Discussion: Contribution and impact.
References: Relevant sources.
* The title and keywords must be in English.
Evaluation criteria
The text of the abstract should not mention the names of the authors or their institutions. The abstracts will be reviewed by a blind international scientific committee under the following criteria:
- General organization
- Concordance with the main theme or tracks
- Originality
- Relevance
- Quality of the methodology
- Quality of references
Authors with accepted abstracts will be able to submit their full articles for a second phase of blind review. The accepted full texts will be published in the Proceedings book with ISBN and on the Cumincad Open Access platform.
Upload abstract
Fase 1: Convocatoria a resúmenes SIGraDi 2025
Nos complace anunciar la convocatoria de resúmenes para la Conferencia SIGraDi 2025. Los invitamos a enviar resúmenes de investigaciones académicas y prácticas profesionales antes del 7 de abril. Los resúmenes deben ser originales e inéditos, no pueden enviarse simultáneamente a otra conferencia o revista, y deben redactarse siguiendo las normas de la APA 7ª edición en uno de los tres idiomas oficiales de SIGraDi (español, portugués o inglés). Los textos deben contener entre 450 y 550 palabras, además de las referencias, y organizarse según la siguiente estructura:
Título: El nombre del trabajo debe ser conciso y coherente con el propósito del estudio. *
Palabras clave: 5 palabras clave (obligatorias) que identifiquen el proyecto. *
Introducción: Problemas generales y específicos, objetivos y relevancia.
Metodología: Métodos, etapas y técnicas.
Resultados: Principales hallazgos o resultados esperados.
Discusión: Contribución e impacto.
Referencias: Fuentes relevantes.
*El título y las palabras clave deben escribirse en inglés.
Criterios de evaluación
El texto del resumen no debe mencionar los nombres de los autores ni sus instituciones. Los resúmenes serán evaluados por un comité científico internacional bajo modalidad doble ciego según los siguientes criterios:
- Organización general.
- Concordancia con el tema principal o ejes temáticos.
- Originalidad
- Relevancia
- Calidad de la metodología.
- Calidad de las referencias.
Los autores con resúmenes aceptados podrán enviar sus artículos completos para una segunda fase de revisión ciega. Los textos completos aceptados se publicarán en el libro de actas de ISBN y en la plataforma de acceso abierto Cumincad.
Subir resumen
Etapa 1: Chamada para resumos SIGraDi 2025
Temos o prazer de anunciar a chamada para resumos do Congresso SIGraDi 2025. Convidamos você a enviar resumos de pesquisas acadêmicas e práticas profissionais até 7 de abril. Os resumos devem ser originais e inéditos, não podem ser enviados simultaneamente para outra conferência ou revista, e devem ser redigidos de acordo com as normas da APA 7ª edição em um dos três idiomas oficiais da SIGraDi (espanhol, português ou inglês). Os textos devem ter entre 450 e 550 palavras, além das referências, e serem organizados da seguinte forma:
Título: O nome do trabalho deve ser conciso e coerente com o objetivo do estudo. *
Palavras-chave: 5 palavras-chave (obrigatórias) que identifiquem o projeto. *
Introdução: Problemas gerais e específicos, objetivos e relevância.
Metodologia: Métodos, etapas e técnicas.
Resultados: Principais achados ou resultados esperados.
Discussão: Contribuição e impacto.
Referências: Fontes relevantes.
*O título e as palavras-chave devem estar em inglês.
Critérios de avaliação
O texto do resumo não deve mencionar os nomes dos autores nem suas instituições. Os resumos serão avaliados por um comitê científico internacional em modalidade duplo cego de acordo com os seguintes critérios:
- Organização geral
- Concordância com o tema principal ou tópicos temáticos
- Originalidade
- Relevância
- Qualidade da metodologia
- Qualidade das referências
Os autores com resumos aceitos poderão enviar seus artigos completos para a segunda fase de revisão cega. Os textos completos aceitos serão publicados nos Anais com ISBN e na plataforma de acesso aberto Cumincad.
Carregar resumo
córdoba 2025
Silvia Patricia Hernández
Raquel Landenberg
Sara Boccolini
Silvina Barra
Lucas Peries
Mariana Salas and Darío Martín
Sara Boccolini and Pablo Herrera
Silvano Giurdanella
sigRAdI 2025
Join our community on Whatsapp at the following link to stay informed about all the latest updates for the 2025 SIGraDi in person conference in Córdoba, Argentina.