University: Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
Department/faculty: Faculty Architecture & the Built Environment, AE+T Department
Chair: Design Informatics, prof. Sariyildiz
Level: Doctorate
Working hours: 22-24 hours weekly
Contract: until 31-12-2021
Salary: 3389 – 3514 euros monthly (full-time basis)
Vacancy number: BK2020/06
Deadline for applications: 9th March 2020
This temporary Post-Doc position is part of the IEBB MMIP 3 research project on Digitalisation of the Renovation Process, which was granted by the Dutch Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). As part of this large project, this position focuses on developing and testing a computational workflow to optimize (and 3D print) high-performance building components improving passive climate design and use of solar energy toward natural gas-free buildings. This workflow will allow to parametrically generate multiple design configurations computationally optimized for energy-related performance and let the final users choose a preferred customized solution. The post-doc will be the main researcher to develop this workflow. (S)he will be supervised by the staff of the chair Design Informatics, and will collaborate with other TU Delft staff members, TU Eindhoven and industry partners.
Among the activities, the post-doc will:
- develop background studies;
- develop the customized digital workflow for fast parametric optimization (with integration of 3D printing constraints);
- integrate digital interaction techniques to include users’ preferences;
- test on a case study including preliminary 3D printing;
- develop/co-author outputs for reporting and dissemination.
We are looking for an expert who can work with advanced computational techniques (including computational intelligence) to develop a digital workflow applicable in practice; who has a great understanding of Building Physics and is skilled in simulations; and who can quickly relate to 3D printing production.
Applicants should have:
- a PhD degree in a discipline such as Building Technology, Computer Science, Building Physics, Energy Engineering, Computational Design, Industrial Design, or other related discipline;
- knowledge on Computational Design methods, techniques and tools, especially related to buildings’ , and building components’ passive climate design;
- proven skills in working with, and programming in Multiphysics Simulations Software and in McNeel Rhinoceros with its parametric plugin Grasshopper;
- proven skills in Multidisciplinary Multiobjective Optimisation, Machine Learning and Surrogate models;
- scripting and programming skills;
- interest and track record in research and innovative developments;
- good communication skills and a good spoken and written English (understanding of Dutch is an advantage).
Please check the full announcement for this vacancy to be aware of all relevant information.
The full announcement is published at:
You may see also:
For information about this vacancy, you can contact dr. Michela Turrin, Associate Professor, email:
For information about the selection procedure, please contact Nathalie Bast, HR advisor, email:
Your application should contain:
- a letter outlining your motivation for this position;
- your detailed CV;
- a list of publications;
- a portfolio (max 20 pages);
- the names of two references.
All documents should be in clear English and compiled into a single pdf file named:lastname_firstname_vacancynumber.pdf.
Please send your application by email to by 9 March 2020 at the latest.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.