The Science without Borders Holland in Brasil has launched an ongoing call for the PhD and Postdoc levels. Scholarships will be given in four modalities, ranging from sandwich PhD, to full PhD and Postdoc positions. Dutch universities and research...
1. CALL: Special Issue on Material Ecology Design and Computational Issues <> Guest editors: Prof. Neri Oxman (corresponding guest...
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONSACADIA 2013ADAPTIVE ARCHITECTURECAMBRIDGE, ONTARIO October 24-27, 2013 University of Waterloo / SUNY Buffalo / University of Nottingham are invited for the 2013 ACADIA Adaptive Architecture...
Serão realizados conjuntamente no Campus da UNICAMP em Campinas – SP entre 24-26/07/2013. O foco do SBQP & TIC 2013 será a QUALIDADE DE PROJETO NA ERA DIGITAL INTEGRADA discutido no evento dentro dos temas específicos de: TEMA 01: Processo de projeto:...
Caros colegas,Temos o prazer de anunciar o lançamento do Vol3 No2 da revista PARC (Pesquisa em Arquitetura de Construção), da FEC-Unicamp. Nessa edição foram publicados os seguintes artigos: *De la Ecovila y Ciudad Eléctrica hasta la aglomeración complexa* JAVIER...
The latest issue of the AHRA newsletter highlighting forthcoming events, conferences, publications and other research activities is now available on the AHRA website by following this link: Please note in...