International Executive Committee

Patria Hernández, Argentina
Architect, FAUD, National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Architect in SPAIN, homologation. Magister in Education in psycho-informatics, FCS, U. N. de Lomas de Zamora. THESIS, Educational Hypermedia. PhD in Architecture and Urbanism, U. del Bio-Bio, Concepción, Chile, Thesis: Active User / Passive User. Study of the Perception of Comfort in Imotic Office Buildings. Academic internship at the University of Nottingham, England. Full-time professor, Equipment A chair, Architecture degree. Full-time professor in elective course Industrial Design, Equipment A FAUD, UNC, Argentina. Professor of the academic body of Doctorate, DOCTA, Graduate School FAUD, UNC. Erasmus City Lab Project Coordinator for Latin America, year 2017, 2018 and 2019. Research projects accredited to the SECyT, Science and Technical Secretary of the Nation, in technological innovation, Domotics. Work in a independent professional studio.

Federico Braida, Brasil
Administrative Vice Presidency
Architect and urban planner (UFJF, 2005); specialized in fashion, fashion culture and art (UFJF, 2015); Master in Urban Planning (UFRJ, 2008); specialized in teaching in higher education (FESL, 2019); master, doctorate and post-doctorate in design (PUC-Rio, 2007, 2012 and 2015); post-doctorate in Mathematics (UTFPR, 2021). Professor at the Department of Design, Representation and Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (DPRT / FAU / UFJF, since 2010). Permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Built Environment (PROAC / UFJF, since 2014). Permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Management and Evaluation of Public Education (PPGP / UFJF, since 2018). Permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Communication (PPGCOM/ UFJF, since 2020). Leader of the LEAUD Research Group – Laboratory of Language Studies and Expressions of Architecture, Urbanism and Design. Miembro de SIGraDi (desde 2004); miembro del Comité Ejecutivo Internacional de SIGraDi (2017-2019; 2019-2021). En 2021, fue presidente de la XXV Conferencia Internacional de SIGraDi.

Paula Gómez, Chile
Vice Presidency of International Relations
Dr. Paula Gómez obtained her Ph.D. in Computational Design from Georgia Tech, sponsored by Fulbright, and her bachelor’s and professional degrees in Architecture from the Technical University of Santa Maria, Chile. Paula is a Senior Research Engineer at the Georgia Technology Research Institute (GTRI), where she founded the Healthcare Design Analytics research group, is instructor on the Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) program, Principal Investigator on research projects for Spatiotemporal Model of COVID-19 spread in buildings, director of tasks for the Gates Foundation Generation 2 Reinvented Toilet (G2RT) and the NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex PZ-interactive flooring system. Paula has significant academic experience, including spatiotemporal modeling, information and knowledge modeling, systems modeling, and MBSE. Paula’s work has been recognized by her peers with several international awards. She serves on the SIGraDi board since 2017, as well as several scientific reviews committees, including SIGRADI, eCAADe. SIMAUD, and ASCAAD. She also has served as a guest editor of the International Journal of Architectural Computing, IJAC (2018-2022).

Rodrigo Scheeren, Brasil
Professor at the Federal University of Bahia, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. BA in Philosophy and BA in Architecture and Urbanism. Master and Ph.D. in History and Theory of Architecture (Institute of Architecture and Urbanism – University of São Paulo) with Internship (ABC Department – Politecnico di Milano). Currently doing research on architectural history and theory, computational design processes, digital fabrication technologies, interoperability and BIM, science and technology studies, and cultural studies. Member of the research groups Nucleus for the Study of Contemporary Spatialities (NEC.USP) and Laboratory for Advanced Studies in City, Architecture and Digital Technologies (LCAD-UFBA). Member of the scientific committee of SIGraDi and one of the organizers of the exhibition “Homo Faber: Digital Fabrication in Latin America”.

Viviana Hernáiz, Bolivia
Viviana Hernaiz studied architecture at Universidad Católica Boliviana. She has a Master in Biodigital Architecture from ESARQ-UIC of Universidad Internacional de Cataluña (Barcelona). She is founder of MATERIAL Studio, based in New York, in which she investigates the interdependencies between Computational Design, Environmentally Informed Design, Industrialized Construction, and Digital Manufacturing. She has taught at different universities and her research work on the application of digital techniques in architectural design and her professional practice have been developed in different spaces in Europe, United States and Latin America.

Pablo C. Herrera, Perú
Scientific Direction
Pablo C. Herrera, Full-time professor and researcher at the School of Architecture of the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Peru). Industrial Designer, MSc. in History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture. Qualified researcher by the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation (SINACYT / CONCYTEC). He founded the Computational Design Solution project in Latin America in 2006. Since 2003 is member of editorial and scientific committees in Europe, Asia and Latin America in digital technologies and architecture including CAADRIA, CAAD Futures, eCAADe, SIGraDI, ACSA, FabLab Research and IJAC. Co-chair Homo Faber Exhibition (2015, 2018). President SIGraDi (2015-17). He received the Arturo Montagú Award (2013), ACM Senior Member Award (2015) and Publons Peer Review Awards (2017).

Marcelo Bernal, Chile
Editorial Director
He holds a Ph.D. in Design Computing from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and he has developed his career between professional practice and academia. Currently, he is the Director of the Design Process Lab at Perkins&Will, an interdisciplinary research-based international architecture and design firm. The scope of his area of research includes meta-modeling, performance-based design, multi-criteria optimization to support decision-making, and workflows for design automation. As an active member of the community, he also serves as Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Architectural Computing, IJAC, and in the Scientific Committees of several CAAD Conferences. Before joining Perkins&Will, he was the co-founder and principal of Arqze ltd, an architectural studio dedicated to the design, fabrication, and installation of mobile deployable infrastructure for Antarctica to support the scientific and logistic activities. He was also the Director of the Undergraduate program at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, and Chair of the 2013 SIGraDi Conference in Valparaiso, Chile.

Alberto Fernandez, Chile
Director of Education
Alberto Fernández González is an Architect, Academic, and Researcher of the University of Chile, Master in Architecture of University College London, and RIBA Chartered Architect. His career has been developed between academia and professional practice, exploring the “form” designed from the local perspective as a contribution to Global issues applying BIM, Generative Design and Digital Fabrication in different scales, internationally recognised by HOLCIM Award Next Generation, Archiprix International, Sunbrella Future of Shade, UIA La Biennale di Venezia and Evolo Skyscrapers, among others. He has been part of UCH since 2006, where he leads Design Studio 6 – Digital integration and is Tutor for PART 1 Research Seminar unit and PART 2 Graduation Projects design studio. His work has been published nationally and internationally, and his MPhil/PhD studies are funded by the Chilean Government, UCL, and UCH. Currently, he is a Digital Design Tutor at UCL The Bartlett School of Architecture on MArch Design for Performance and Interaction, MEng Engineering and Architectural Design, MSci Architecture and MArch AD as Skills Tutor. By 2020 he started as an advisory board member of Perspectives Journal from the same school. At the same time he is part of Rational Energy Architects, a research and practice collective working with the connection among Artificial Intelligence, Decentralized Solar Economy, BioDesign and Self-generated spaces.

Rodrigo Martín Iglesias, Argentina
Director of Communications
Rodrigo Martin-Iglesias (Rod Martin) is an Architect and PhD in Design from Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Full Professor of Architecture Theory and History at UBA and UNLaM. Head of Futures Design (FADU, UBA). Director of the Open Design International Master (UBA – Humboldt Universität zu Berlin). Coordinator of the Design Research Laboratory (+ID Lab, FADU, UBA). Digital Fellow at the Matters of Activity – Image Space Material – Excellence Cluster (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin). Director of the research projects “Visualization and Design of Futures. Beyond Strategic Foresight and Speculative Design” and “Hybrid reality to collectivize alternative future scenarios”. Former President (2017-2018) and member of the Advisory Committee of SIGraDi (Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics). Member of the IJAC (International Journal of Architectural Computing) and AREA (Journal of Reflection on Architecture, Design and Urbanism) Editorial Committees. Co-founder and Chief Strategist of NextFutures. Co-Founder and Coordinator of the Xenofuturës Collective Network.

Fernando García Amen, Uruguay
Director of Innovation
My name is Fernando. I am currently an Associate Professor in the Universidad de la República (Uruguay), and the Coordinator of the Center for Digital Integration (CID). I belong to the National Research and Innovation Agency (ANII) and have been involved in SIGraDi since 2010. My journey with SIGraDi has been both enriching and transformative. Having had the honor of chairing two of our conferences -SIGraDi 2014 and the upcoming SIGraDi 2023- I have gained invaluable insights into the workings of our organization and the challenges and opportunities we face in the digital era of architecture and design. These experiences have equipped me with a solid understanding of our community’s needs and aspirations. My vision for SIGraDi is to reinforce the bonds between our member universities and to propel SIGraDi as a stronger, more connected organization. I believe in a future where SIGraDi stands at the forefront of fostering innovation and collaboration across our diverse academic and professional community.

Gabriela Barber, Uruguay
Gabriela Barber is an Architect graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Urbanism(FADU) at the Universidad de la República (Udelar) in Uruguay (2012). She has been a professor and researcher at FADU since 2006. Currently, she works as an Assistant professor and researcher at the Center for Digital Integration (CID), at the Advanced Digital Visualization Laboratory (VidiaLab) and the Digital Fabrication Laboratory (FabLabMVD). She teaches at Fadu: Theory of Architecture, Digital Hybridization, Project and Representation. With several peer-reviewed academic publications nationally and internationally, her work focuses on videomapping and remix, immersive enviromnments and advanced digital representation techniques applied to design and architecture. Professional photographer. Additionally, she is a partner at Dominus Architects