IX Seminario Internacional Digital Reveal: Architecture in the Post-Digital Age
1 y 2 de Septiembre de 2016 | Bogotá, Colombia
Call for projects and workshops
The architecture programme at The Universidad Piloto de Colombia, with support from SIGraDi and RENATA, is inviting architects, designers and academics from Latin America to submit architectural, urban and related research projects where digital technologies and methodologies have been implemented. Project descriptions as .pdf files should be sent to info-arquitectura@unipiloto.edu.co by 20th of April, 2016. Selected projects will be presented at the international conference “The Digital Reveal”, to be held in Bogotá, CO during the 1 y 2 of September, 2016, and published in an academic document.
Important dates
Call for projects 30th March, 2016
Project proposals due 20th April, 2016
Authors informed of results of project reviews 30th April, 2016
Workshop proposals due 30th April, 2016
Authors informed of results of poster and workshop reviews 15th May, 2016
Workshops 29, 30, 31 August, 2016
Conference 1-2 September, 2016
El Programa de Arquitectura de la Universidad Piloto de Colombia, con el apoyo de SIGraDi y RENATA, invitan a arquitectos, diseñadores, constructores y académicos del área en Latinoamérica, a presentar proyectos arquitectónicos o urbanos donde se hayan utilizado herramientas digitales y metodologías relacionadas. La información descriptiva en archivo.pdf debe ser enviada a info-arquitectura@unipiloto.edu.co. Los proyectos seleccionados serán presentados dentro del Seminario internacional “The Digital Reveal”, el 1 y 2 de Septiembre de 2016, en el Centro de Convenciones Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada, Bogotá, CO, y publicados en documento físico y digital.
O programa de arquitetura da Universidade Piloto de Colombia, com apoio da SIGraDi e RENATA, convidam arquitetos, designers, engenheiros e académicos da área, na America Latina, para apresentar projetos arquitetônicos ou urbanísticos que utilizaram ferramentas digitais e métodos relacionados. A informação descritiva deverá ser em formato (pdf) e deve ser enviada para info-arquitectura@unipiloto.edu.co até 20 de Abril de 2016.Os projetos selecionados serão apresentados no Seminário internacional “The Digital Reveal”, nos dias 01 e 02 de Setembro de 2016, no Centro de Convenções Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada, Bogotá, Colombia, e publicados em documento físico e digital.
The architecture programme at The Universidad Piloto de Colombia, with support from SIGraDi and RENATA, is inviting architects, designers and academics from Latin America to submit architectural, urban and related research projects where digital technologies and methodologies have been implemented. Project descriptions as .pdf files should be sent toinfo-arquitectura@unipiloto.edu.co by 20th of April, 2016. Selected projects will be presented at the international conference “The Digital Reveal”, to be held in Bogotá, CO during the 1 y 2 of September, 2016, and published in an academic document.
DIGITAL REVEAL Organizing Team
IX Seminario Internacional Digital Reveal