10th Annual AHRA Research Student Symposium
Department of Architecture and Built Environment
Lund University
Friday 3rd May 2013.
The symposium provides an international platform for PhD students/candidates in the architectural humanities to meet, present and discuss their work.
Call for Papers: Facts and Fictions The AHRA invites proposals from Phd students/candidates in the architectural humanities for contributions to its 10th Annual Student Research Symposium, which will be arranged by ResArc, and will take place on Friday 3rd May 2013 at the Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Lund University. Proposals for papers in any area of the architectural humanities are welcome, including culture, theory and design. Papers will be 20 minutes long. The symposium will conclude with a keynote presentation by Mark Jarzombek, Professor of the History and Theory of Architecture, MIT. Title of his lecture: Global History in a Non-Global World. The symposium will be free to attend. Proposals for papers should be a maximum of 500 words, and should be sent by email headed “AHRA PhD symposium 2013” to resarc@arkitektur.lth.se The deadline is Friday 9th November 2012, and it is hoped that we will be able to advise successful candidates within a month from that date. The refereeing panel will comprise the ResArc admin group at the Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Lund University: Lars-Henrik Stahl, Gunnar Sandin, Catharina Sternudd, Peter Ullmark, Mattias Kärrholm and members of the AHRA Steering Group: Davide Deriu, Peg Rawles, Quazi Zaman, Juliet Odgers, Teresa Stoppani, Sarah Lappin and Stephen Walker. Symposium Theme: Facts and Fictions Architecture is a question of both facts and fiction. There are material realities to sense, and there is a vision of possibilities for a future. Architectural research was for a long time dedicated to empirical studies that searched to define “how things are”. Issues that concerned creative judgement, critique and methodological alternatives were left to the practitioners to handle. In the wake of trans-disciplinarity, approaches like research by design and critical research became important for the domain of architecture. The scope has become wider and includes, apart from recent achievement in the arts and humanities, also the creative parts of the design practice, and this situation triggers the emergence of new theories and methods. This one day symposium is dedicated to a critical and constructive discussion about this new landscape. About ResArc The Swedish research school, ResArc, is a collaboration between the Schools of Architecture at KTH Stockholm, Chalmers University Gothenburg, Lund University and Umeå University with the aim of strengthening architectural research, education and collaborative projects at national and international levels. ResArc was launched in February 2012 and is coordinated and administered by the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at Lund University.
Link: http://www.arkitektur.lth.se/doktorander/resarc_swedish_research_school_in_architecture