February 24-March 1, 2013
Nice, France.


 INTER: Interfaces
 OUI: Organic user interfaces
 HAPTIC: Haptic interfaces
 SYSTEMS: Interactive systems
 DEVICES: Interaction devices
 DESIGN & EVAL: Interaction & interface design & evaluation
 MODELS: Principles, theories, and models
 USER: User modeling and user focus
 PARADIGMS: Traditional and emerging paradigms
 ACCESS: Usability and universal accessibility
 HUM-ROBOTS: Human-robot interaction
 HUM- AGENTS: Agents and human interaction
 SOCIAL: Social aspects of human-computer interaction
 GAMES: Computer games and gaming
 EDUCATION: Human-computer interaction in education and training
 MED APPS: Applications in medicine
 TELECONF: Teleconferencing
 APPLICATIONS: Other domain applications