EuroMed2012 – Call for Papers

Research, Development, Technologies, Standards, Education and Training to  Protect,
Restore, Document, Preserve, Communicate and Prevent the Destruction of our Fragile
Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage
October 29th – 3rd November, 2012
Limassol, Cyprus

Euromed 2012, the 4th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference will take place in
Cyprus, October 29 – November 3, 2012. This important event is being held in
cooperation with the European Commission and will investigate cultural heritage (CH)
research and practice in one of the most famous archaeological areas of the world.

The 4th EuroMed2012 brings together researchers, policy makers, professionals,
fellows and practitioners to explore some of the more pressing issues concerning
cultural heritage today. In particular, the main goal of the conference is to focus
on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible CH,
the use of cutting edge technologies for the protection, restoration, preservation,
massive digitalization, documentation and presentation of the CH content. At the same
time, the event is intended to cover topics of research ready for exploitation,
demonstrating the acceptability of new sustainable approaches and new technologies by
the user community, SME’s, owners, managers and conservators of cultural patrimony.

Several organizations have decided to join together in order to create an optimal
environment for the discussion, explanation of new technologies, exchange of modern
ideas and in general to allow the transfer of knowledge between a maximum number of
professionals and participants during one common time period.

Its main objectives are further to:
1. Highlight the role of European cultural heritage research and developments within
international activities and co-operation.

2. Assess the impact of EU policies on the protection, restoration, preservation and
digitalisation (e-documentation) of European CH and evaluate the positive
contribution of cultural heritage innovative research and developments for
competitiveness and job creation.

3. Disseminate the results of EU cultural heritage innovative research and
developments acquired at large research facilities and discuss new developments and
innovation in research infrastructure.

4. Discuss and consolidate co-ordination of national research into educational
programmes for CH within Europe and the world.

5. Refine, amend and publish main ideas and visions of technological platforms opened
to the entire field of CH in the context of preparation of the EU Horizon 2020
Framework Programme (2014-2020).

6. Emphasize the relation of conservation practice to contemporary legislation,
especially experienced by SMEs and public institutions, problems of orphan works and
re-use, fraud and crime regarding movable cultural heritage market; health and safety
issues in conservation practice.

7. Discuss the influence of research on the impact of EU policies and directives on
CH, and mitigation of possible adverse effects (for example: Galileo project, Digital
Agenda, Open Access, Orphan works, Public Sector Information-PSI, etc).

8. Underline and discuss the role of the current and future developments on
international activities, agreements and co-operations:
a. Against demolishing and/or looting in CH (UNESCO, Interpol, Europol, ICOMOS,
ICCROM, etc).
b. on the e-documentation and e-preservation in CH (European Union, Google, UNESCO,
World Library, MSoft, etc);
c. on the establishment of standards in the field of CH;
d. on conventions (like the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible
CH; EU CH Label, WHL, etc);
e. on documenting, archiving, monitoring, preserving, protecting and presenting
worldwide the CH using innovative ICT solutions;
f. on the legal and ethical responsibilities of CH Informatics;
g. on CH and the expansion of Tourism in Europe and in general worldwide.

Those researchers who wish to participate in this event are invited to submit papers
on original work addressing the following subjects or related themes in the following
two categories:



More detail information can be found under the following weblink:

Submission of Papers:
Submissions for the joint event are completely electronic, and both the paper and all
supplementary material must be submitted through the on-line submission website. The
conference accepts only original, unpublished work written in English. We are
soliciting three types of contributions:

• Full research papers presenting new innovative results. These papers will have a
full-length oral presentation and will be published in a high-quality proceedings
volume. Each submitted paper must not exceed 10 pages in total.

• Project papers focusing on the description of project organization, use of
technology, and lessons learned. Each submitted paper must not exceed 10 pages in

• Short papers presenting preliminary ideas and works-in-progress. These papers will
have a short oral presentation and will be available as posters in conference breaks.
Each submitted paper must not exceed 6 pages in total.

For information concerning style and format of all submissions, please refer to:

Important Dates:
Paper submission:   
28th of May, 2012 (24:00 London-UK time)

Notification of Refereeing results:
July 15th and 16th, 2012

Camera ready papers to printer:
20th of August, 2012

For more information about the joint conference please visit the webpage or directly contact the chair of the event at: .

Best Regards,
Marinos Ioannides (CY), Dieter Fritsch (DE), Fabio Remondino (IT), Rob Davies (UK)
and Rossella Caffo (IT)
Chairs of Euromed2012