HCII 2014 : Call for Papers

The 16th International Conference on Human- Computer Interaction ( http://www.hcii2014.org/ ) will be held Jointly With The Affiliated Conferences in Creta Maris Resort and Convention Centre, Heraklion, Crete, Greece , 22-27 June 2014.

The program will feature , Among Others : pre -conference half- day and full -day tutorials , parallel sessions, poster presentations, an opening session with a keynote address, and an exhibition.

The HCI International Conference is an great opportunity to exhibit your products and services to an international audience of about 2,000 Researchers, academics , professionals and users in the field of HCI , potential purchasers of your products (http://www.hcii2014.org/ exhibition.php) .

The Proceedings (http://www.hcii2014.org/proceedings.php) of papers and posters will be published by Springer and will be indexed by a number of services, treats including EI and ISI CPCI-S.

The best paper of each of the Affiliated Conferences / Thematic Areas will receive an award (http://www.hcii2014.org/awards.php). Among These best papers, one will be selected to receive the golden award as the Best HCI International 2014 Conference paper. The Best Poster extended abstract will Also receive an award .

Important Deadlines ( http://www.hcii2014.org/submissions.php )
Papers – Deadline for Abstract Receipt ( 800 words) : Tuesday , 15 October 2013 |
Tutorials – Deadline for Abstract Receipt ( 300 words) : Tuesday , 15 October 2013 |
Posters – Deadline for Abstract Receipt ( 300 words) : Friday , 7 February 2014 |

Registration Regulation:
For presentation at the Conference and publication in the Proceedings of HCI International 2014 , one registration per paper / poster is required by :
– 7 February 2014 , for papers
– 7 March 2014 , for extended poster abstracts
Individuals May it appears as co – authors in more than one paper or poster .

Students wishing to help at the Conference Should contact the Student Volunteer Administration (http://www.hcii2014.org/volunteer.php).

Crete ( http://www.hcii2014.org/accommodation.php ) , one of the bigger islands in the Mediterranean Sea, lying in the southern frontier of Europe , is One of the most popular Greek tourism destinations . The visitor of Crete can admire the remnants of great ancient civilizations , starting from the brilliant Minoan civilization (with the erection of the imposing palaces in Knossos , Phaistos , and Malia ) , Byzantine churches and monasteries , Venetian and Neoclassical architecture, even minarets .

HCII 2014 : Thematic Areas and Affiliated Conferences

• Human- Computer Interaction thematic area
This thematic area addresses advances in theoretical , methodological , technological and empirical aspects of Human Computer Interaction , treats including design knowledge and methods , interaction frameworks and models , novel interaction techniques , design and development tools , new application domains and user studies. HCI research is a highly multidisciplinary field at the cross -road of computer science , cognitive and social psychology , design , engineering and communication.

• Human Interface and the Management of Information thematic area
This thematic area addresses human interaction with information and knowledge in personal , organizational and social contexts . The overwhelming information abundance in contemporary human life makes it imperative to elaborate new and Effective forms of interaction to manage and present data in a user friendly and supportive way . Important aspects include information design , retrieval , presentation and visualization , support for learning , work , decision, collaboration , as well as service engineering and its application .

• 11th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics
The information processing and reasoning abilities of human beings undergo significant stress very Often When Interacting with complex and information rich computational systems, putting at serious risk task performance . Good system design to Promote Appropriate responses in all Situations, but Especially in an emergency , is vital . It is critical That human interactions are designed in Such a way as to maximally exploit human cognitive abilities in Such contexts , while at the same time Avoiding overload , stress and negative emotions .

• 8th International Conference on Universal Access in Human – Computer Interaction
This conference addresses all issues related to the attainment of universal access in the development of interactive software , as well as accessibility and high quality of interaction in the user interface development life-cycle , under a multidisciplinary perspective. It solicits papers reporting research results on the design , development , evaluation , use , and impact of user interfaces , as well as standardization , policy and other non – technological issues That Facilitate and Promote universal access.

• 6th International Conference on Virtual , Augmented and Mixed Reality
Virtual Reality ( VR ) Refers to computer- simulated environments can simulate That Physical Presence in the real and in imaginary worlds . Augmented Reality ( AR ) is a live , direct or indirect , view of a physical real -world environment Whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input . Mixed reality merging of Refers to the actual and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co -exist and interact in real time . Virtual , augmented and mixed worlds are becoming a significant part of interaction experience in everyday life , With important applications , amongst others , in health , learning, culture and entertainment .

• 6th International Conference on Cross -Cultural Design
The worldwide scope of the World Wide Web and the globalization of the IT market bring about the imperative need to design appealing interactive experiences for cultures and communities with very different Characteristics and requirements. The objective of this conference is to Provide an international forum for the Dissemination and exchange of knowledge on culture and linguistic diferencias , cross -cultural , international and comprehensive design methods and practices , and related case studies .

• 6th International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media
(formerly Online Communities and Social Computing)
The conference objective is to Provide an international forum for the Dissemination and exchange of scientific information on theoretical , generic , and applied issues of Social Computing and Social Media . Social activity is a vital aspect of human life . Social Computing and Social Media lie at the intersection of social behavior and computing systems, focusing on the use of technology to create social conventions and contexts .

• 8th International Conference on Augmented Cognition
Augmented Cognition is an emerging field of science That seeks to extend a user’s abilities via computational technologies Explicitly Which are designed to address bottlenecks , Limitations , and biases in cognition and to Improve decision making capabilities. The conference objective is to Provide an international forum for the Dissemination and exchange of scientific information on theoretical , generic , and applied issues of Augmented Cognition.

• 5th International Conference on Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety , Ergonomics and Risk Management
This Conference Provides an international forum for the Dissemination and exchange of scientific information on theoretical , generic , and applied issues of digital human modeling , treats including mathematical and visualization issues , as well as computer-based applications supporting improvements in healthcare , ergonomics , health and safety , risk management and sustainability .

• 3rd International Conference on Design , User Experience and Usability
“User experience” ( UX ) Concerns how a person thinks , feels , and behaves During all phases of using an interactive system . Fundamentally important Becomes UX design in new and emerging mobile, ubiquitous and omnipresent computer-based contexts . The scope of design , user experience and usability ( DUXU ) extends to all aspects of the user ‘s interaction with a product / service , how it is Perceived , learned , and used, and addresses design knowledge , methods and practices , with a focus on a deeply human-centered processes. Usability , usefulness , and appeal are critical Requirements for Effective user experience design .

• 2nd International Conference on Distributed , Ambient and Pervasive Interactions
Emerging “intelligent ” or ” smart” environments react in an attentive , adaptive , and active (sometimes proactive ) way to the Presence and activities of humans and objects in order to Provide intelligent / smart services to the inhabitants of These environments. The conference objective is to Provide an international forum for the Dissemination and exchange of scientific information on theoretical , generic , and applied issues of Distributed , Ambient and Pervasive Interaction in novel technological environments.

• 2nd International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security , Privacy and Trust
In the world of increasingly interconnected Evolving objects and human agents interacting , new challenges, threat and Risks appear. The success of envisioned concepts : such as Ubiquitous Computing (UC ) , Ambient Intelligence ( AmI ) and Internet of Things (IoT ) will depend on how secure They will be made ​​. Better security and privacy will lead to better market penetration of services with higher privacy and confidentiality requirements. As a Consequence , That professional services are critical to human life will have a stronger entry into innovative ICT marketplace. This conference AIMS at bringing together an interdisciplinary group of Researchers and practitioners in human computer interaction , security , privacy and trust to discussion acerca experiences , good practices and innovative ideas.

• 1st International Conference on HCI in Business .
This new Affiliated conference addresses all aspects of interacting with technology in the business environment , treats including topics related to electronic and mobile commerce , enterprise systems , accounting and finance systems, marketing and management .

• 1st International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies.
This new Affiliated conference addresses all aspects of interactive technologies for learning and collaboration , treats including metodologías development , methods and tools , theoretical models, instructional design, as well as technology adoption and use in the educational context .
Please visit the Conference website ( http://www.hcii2014.org/ ) for the list of topics and Program Board members of each thematic area of HCII 2014

Upcoming Conferences and Events

September 2013 ***** *****

Sep. 30 – Oct. 4: 2013 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego , California , USA

October 2013 ***** *****
October 6-10: 61st International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine ( ICASM ) , Jerusalem , Israel , http://www.icasm2013.org

October 13-16 : 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man , and Cybernetics , Manchester , United Kingdom , http://www.smc2013.org/

Oct.- 27 -Nov. 1: CENTRIC 2013 , The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Human – Oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services, Venice , Italy http://www.iaria.org/conferences2013/CfPCENTRIC13.html

About HCI International NEWS
The HCI International NEWS is a newsletter That contains information about the HCI International 2014 Conference , book reviews , news from the field of HCI , as well as links to interesting articles and conferences . If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to make a contribution , please contact the Editor , Dr. Abbas Moallem ( news@hci-international.org ) . The opinions That Are expresaron In this Newsletter are the sole Responsibility of its authors and do not Represent any institution or company .

How to Contribute to HCI International NEWS
We welcome your contribution to the HCI International News. Please send to us interesting news , short articles , interesting websites, etc. . We Will Consider your comments and Contributions as for upcoming issues . Please send your contribution to the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem ( news@hci-international.org ) .

Previous Issues of HCI International NEWS are available online .

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