Call for Papers | Rob|Arch 2012: Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art, and Design |
Workshops: 14.-16.12.2012 / Conference: 17.-18.12.2012
ROB|ARCH has been initiated by the Association for Robots in Architecture as a new conference series on the use of robotic fabrication in architecture, art, and design, closely linking industry with cutting-edge research institutions. For the first time, ROB|ARCH 2012 will bring together international university partners who will open their robotic research labs to a creative use and present an insight in their applied robotic research at various locations throughout Europe. While the international workshops will be distributed at university partners, the following conference will take place
in Vienna, a city well known for its living quality, but also a hotspot for technology and innovation. The internationally renowned publishing house Springer Wien/New York will publish and market the proceedings of the conference worldwide with the following topics:
-design to robotic fabrication
-rapid prototyping with industrial robots
-mass customisation
-robots beyond industrial uses
-robotic aesthetics
-customized robotics
-digital and physical robotic interfaces
@Rotterdam: 2x ABB IRB6400 by TU Delft and University of Michigan/Jelle
Paper Submission
We invite authors to submit papers with original research relating to the use of robots in architecture, art, and design. An international scientific committee consisting of researchers and practising architects will evaluate the papers and provide feedback to the authors. The selected papers are published in the Springer proceedings and presented at the conference in Vienna.
Electronic Submission of Abstracts 04.06.2012
Electronic Submission of Full Papers 16.07.2012
Author notification 10.09. 2012
Final Paper due 01.10.2012
Information and Contact
See for details and up-to-date information. For any questions regarding the Rob|Arch 2012 conference, please contact
Sigrid Brell Cokcan & Johannes Braumann
Conference Chairs, Association for Robots in Architecture