P R A C T I C A L   B I M
The Sixth Annual USC BIM Symposium
July 13, 2012 in Los Angeles, California, USA


The PRACTICAL BIM 2012 conference in Los Angeles will engage a full spectrum of issues related to BIM in architecture, engineering and construction.  The conference theme this year is on “Practical BIM” as a foil for the 2011 conference theme of “Extreme BIM.”   Papers and presentations featuring current,near-future, and real-world issues are encouraged.  Papers on the subject of BIM that are not directly related to the conference theme will be considered for special sessions at the conference, and will also be considered for the conference proceedings. Papers and session proposals will be blind peer reviewed. Final papers will be distributed. The previous conferences have attracted 300+ participants.

Papers due April 23.  Papers will be peer-reviewed.  Final papers are due May 30.  There will be a conference proceedings.  Papers by those unable to attend will be reviewed for inclusion in the conference proceedings.  DOC or PDF files please.  Use blind-peer-reviewed paper submission standards.  Omit author names in DOC or PDF files.   Papers should be submitted in single column format, double spaced, one-inch margins all around.  Images should be threaded with the text and clearly referenced and captioned.  While there is no maximum paper length for submission, many papers for “Practical BIM 2012†are anticipated to be concise and shorter than traditional conference papers.  Paper submission by authors unable to attend the conference will be reviewed for inclusion in the conference proceedings.  Please indicate that you are unable to attend when you submit the paper.  These papers will receive equal review consideration, but we do not want to reserve a conference presentation position for an author who is not planning to attend.  Conference presentations are 15-18 minutes in length, followed by a brief question period.  Authors receive complementary conference registration.

Papers Due:  April 23, 2012
Paper Acceptances / Peer Review Comments Returned to Authors:  May 11, 2012
Final Papers Due:  May 30, 2012

Regular: To be determined, probably about $25

Karen M. Kensek and Douglas Noble
School of Architecture

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, California  90089-0291  USA
