PostDoc – Computational Design for Solar Buildings

POSTDOC – COMPUTATIONAL DESIGN FOR SOLAR BUILDINGS   University: Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) Department/faculty: Faculty Architecture & the Built Environment, AE+T Department Chair: Design Informatics, prof. Sariyildiz Level: Doctorate...

Technology | Architecture + Design (TAD)

The Editorial Board of Technology | Architecture + Design (TAD) would like to share its current Call for Papers on the theme of Matter.   Technology | Architecture + Design ( is a peer-reviewed international journal of the Association of Collegiate...

Unisa International HETL Conference

10-13 August 2020 – Announcing the Unisa International HETL Conference The International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference is hosted jointly by the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning (HETL) and the University of South Africa,...

DRS2020: Synergy. Griffith University, Brisbane

11-14 August 2020 – DRS2020: Synergy. Griffith University, Brisbane DRS2020 Please join us for the DRS2020 conference at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia on 11-14 August 2020. The call for papers is open for the DRS2020 Design Research Society 2020...

Call for Abstracts  alt.CHI 2020

Call for Abstracts  alt.CHI 2020 CHILDREN IN 2077: DESIGNING CHILDREN’S TECHNOLOGIES IN THE AGE OF TRANSHUMANISM Submission Deadline  December 2, 2019 With this call, we want to propose an opportunity to human-computer interaction (HCI) researchers from various...

30 March – 1 April 2020 – AIGA Conference

30 March – 1 April 2020 – AIGA Conference Call for Proposals: AIGA Conference, Pittsburgh 2020, Bridging Digital and Physical Experience For the Spring 2020 AIGA Conference in Pittsburgh (March 30April 1), the Design Educators Community Steering Committee...